Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Year and New Things in Store for The Written Uinverse

Good wee morning hour constant reader.

I am happy to announce The Written Universe is poised to make a return with a few changes in store.

I will still be reviewing first time/up-and-coming authors in the genres of science fiction, horror, fantasy, and mystery.
I will only be publishing positive reviews.
In the past, if I read a submission that I found fault with, I published the review.
I think that's counter productive.
As much as The Written Universe is for the authors, it's also for the readers out there looking for new good books to read. Why check out what I'm reviewing if I'm telling you what to avoid?
I will contact the author and let them know I declined to review their book and I will tell them why. I'll be gracious about it, but I don't see any constructive reason to publish a negative review on The Written Universe.

This brings me to other changes I plan on making.
I will also be blogging my thoughts on anything bookish that strikes my fancy.
- There have been scandals regarding Amazon deleting some reviews from their site as it would seem some authors are reviewing their own work under a "sock" account, or getting family members to leave reviews, leaving negative reviews to their competition and there's a woman who posts ten reviews a day. All this together has made Amazon start to rethink how "customer" reviews can best be handled and maintain some integrity.
- It's no secret to those who know me that I loathe e-readers. I may be addressing pros and cons in the future.
- Book stores are not down and out yet!
- Authors are making news all the time and are more accessible to their readership now than ever before.
I will be blogging on these things and more in the future.

I also have a side project that I am going to be making entries about.
My reading challenge for 2012, through Goodreads,(if you're a reader and not participating on Goodreads, what on earth are you waiting for? Go! Go!), was to read 30 books for the year. That was up five from the twenty-five I read last year. I'm happy to report I made my goal, plus two.
I was talking about this with a friend that worked with me in one of the bookstores I worked in and I mentioned there was a series I was reading and lacked the last three, and was going to have to hit the used bookstore to see if they had them, like I needed to be dragging in any more books to read! She laughed and said she knew what I was talking about. I then mused, how many unread books did I have? I thought about it a moment and estimated I had 100+. I then wondered aloud how long it would take me to read them all?
My friend said that was a reading challenge and I should blog about it as I did it.
So that's what I'm going to do starting this month.
It's not a year long reading challenge. It will take as long as it takes.
I will address this in more detail in a separate blog post.


New things for The Written Universe.

I hope you will find them informative, interesting and entertaining.


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